Holy Days
The Angelic Faith Ministries being a Christian Spiritualist. We recognize that Advent is a time of light and preparation. The four Sundays preceding Christmas, which is when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, are recognized by the four virtues. The candles on the Advent wreath symbolize Hope, Love, Joy and Peace. The candles are lit in that order, beginning Nov 29th. The white candle in the middle represents the Christ candle, we light it on Christmas Eve or Christmas day. As we light the Christ candle, we to can renew our light within us.
The Angelic Faith Ministries being a Christian Spiritualist. We recognize the Lenten Journey consisting of forty "fast" days, which are the days of the week and seven feast days which are the Sundays. Each one of these has a special significance in order to classify and designate the various steps in the attainment of mastership.