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Angelic Faith Ministries Cross with Wisd

The infinite intelligent known in the soul that  

touches and renews the light within.


Worship, God in prayer with an open heart and mind.  

The understanding that we are growing to a higher  

spiritual knowledge of truth, as we unite the Christ

light within.


Universe, the entire Universe is both seen and unseen

in the manifestations of God's knowledge of the

Universe. There is a spiritual phase in the Universe

and is gained through religion. Our spiritual abilities

grow, unify and strengthen us in God's love and light.


The Law is holy and good and we understand the law of cause and effect in natural laws and the mystic laws of the Universe. God’s laws are eternal and brings unity and order throughout the Universe.


Immortality is accepting that communicating with the spirit world is possible, and with the understanding that the spirit teachers and angels can provide health and direction for those who stand in need. Death does not interrupt man's existence it only brings a change in a state of being.


Man can Communicate in the spiritual world, and in the earthly world. Where each individual creates his own life lessons and develops his own character. By developing his own spirituality, this can done in mediumship, which brings comfort and guidance to man.


Progression the destiny of man it is eternal and spiritual. Death opens the door for reformation, because it is never closed against any soul here or hereafter. Where the spirit of man develops and unfolds in the mystic Universe.

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