Hebrews 1:14
"Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?"
Angels often assist us, they're a gift from God to us. Throughout the Bible, we have an understanding that being a Spiritualist it does shows us many times that the angles come to rescue people and foretell the events that were coming to the world. When we become quiet and still we can become in tune with our higher selves. That is when we can feel our angels and spirit guides that can lead us to the light of wisdom in our everyday lives.
We believe the authentic teachings of Jesus the Christ that is in the Bible because we are a spiritualist.
Being a Spiritualist we understand that our teachings are contained in the Christian Bible where Jesus the Christ illustrated many forms of being a spiritualist with His abilities and His teachings.
We recognize the omnipresence of spirit, that we allow the unity of the supreme power and the effectiveness of prayer. Because we believe in the divinity of all persons, everyone is divine in that they are each a child of God and inherits a spiritual nature.
We can ordain ministers, associate ministers, and certify spiritual healers!
Reverend Betty is the founder of Angelic Faith Ministries. She has been a Spiritualist for many years ever since she was a child. She demonstrates her abilities through her sermons, which are done in an inspired trance through some of her spirit loved ones. She also demonstrates her ability of being a physical phenomena Sage who has attained wisdom and many other forms of spiritual gifts.